Sunday, December 13, 2009

Year Round Guardians

This is a new line of ornaments - guardian warriors as it were - this is Curly Spice Girl - a kitchen guardian - guaranteed (LOL) to make everything in your kitchen taste better - she has wings - all angels do right? and a set of gams so she can stay on her feet for long hours toiling at the stove and a wicked do - the humidity makes her hair curl!
This is Pinky in her tutu - she is a fashion diva - good for bedroom guardian - she has a lot of natural beauty and is sure to influence your sense of style - she is also quite adept at grace - afterall before she became a guardian warrior she was a prima ballerina.  She is without wings - not everyone has them you know . . . but she has "pink" strength.
This is my fine feathered friend orny - she is not so much a guardian "angel" as she is just a cute little bird of a feather!

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Roeland Park, Kansas, United States
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