Friday, June 14, 2013

Dorie the Saucier

Dorie the Saucier
Dorie is an impertinent, creative saucier who flew through 
the Cordon Bleu School and  says she taught Julia Child everything she knew!
She loves working under pressure!
She listens to Jacques Brel
while she is creating and 
you will always find a bit of flour on her person and she considers
it to be good for your skin!
She tells stories of the French kitchens and how smoothly they ran, she only cooks in copper and if it is not gourmet - it is not shit!
  "A chair de loup sauce de chien"
(the best sauce for course meat is hunger)
Watch for her newest book - but beware, all recipes require heavy cream, butter and lots of wine tasting!

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Roeland Park, Kansas, United States
Life is short. We seek adventure where we can find it. If you would like to travel along - follow the crumbs we leave on the blog. Photographic Illustrations, bricolage art and Relic Hunting are our methods. If you don't have a good time - you aren't trying. "I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom; I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients." Gustave Courbet